Locale Tracker
Ensure User Experience With Accurate Locale Information

Localization is not just about translation. It’s the bridge through which the complete user experiences are conveyed to users around the globe in the proper way. However, incorrect locale information, such as native language names, currency symbols, number and date formats, will greatly undermine your localization efforts. 

Locale tracker is a Maxsun-developed locale information search engine and is connected to the standard Unicode CLDR database, ensuring that your locale information is accurate and professional.

Maxsun translation - locale tracker

Get Authoritative Information Like a Pro

Accurate Localization

Trusted International Standard Source

No need to waste time searching Google or Wikipedia to find answers to locale issues nor to check their credibility. All the results come from Unicode’s CLDR locale database.

All You Need Is One Single Click

Select the language you are looking for, and all its locale information is just one click away.

Conversion-Free Results

Customizable data input provides ready results to help you completely get rid of the format conversion work that may go wrong.

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Locale Data Type List​

Below is the explanation of key locale data types available in Locale Tracker.

Language: ISO 639-1 standardized two-letter language code

Region: ISO 639-1 standardized two-letter country/region code

English Name: The English name of the language under this locale

Native Name: The native name of the language under this locale

Number Example: The number example generated from the input with decimal/thousand separator format of the locale

Date Example: Including information of date, day of the week, time, and time standard that are generated from the input date

Language Direction: The script direction of the language

Locale Tracker
Only at Maxsun

The web-based locale information search system is independently developed by Maxsun, with software copyright. Team up with Maxsun and let this unique language innovation benefit your business!